
WB - Living Well Today

National Suicide Hotline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

VA National Crisis Line - 1-800-273-8255 Press 1.

Health Professionals


Who should I see?  Who does what? 

T.There are a number of different professionals who can diagnose and treat depression, anxiety, PTSD and other mental health related conditions.   We've provided a basic overview to give you an idea wht to look for.  .

Who can diagnose depression, anxiety etc?
Who prescribes medications?
Types of counselors
Who can diagnose depression, anxiety etc?

Who can officially diagnose depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc? 

There are a number of healthcare professionals who have the knowledge, skills and are recognized to decide if a person has a clinical condition, like depression.  


Medical Doctor - either an allopathic doctor (MD) or osteopathic doctor (DO), a Physician Assistant,  an Advanced Clinical Nurse Practitioner or Specialist.  


There are two types of healthcare professionals:  

  • The primary care provider who takes care of basic health conditions like the flu, diabetes, sprained ankles.


  • Specialists:  the specialist that diagnoses and treats depression, anxiety, etc. is the Psychiatrist.  


Licensed Clinical Psychologist:  is a trained social scientist, often holding a PhD, and can diagnose and identify chronic behavioral problems.  They cannot prescribe medication but can work with doctors to determine appropriate medications. 



Who prescribes medications?
Types of counselors